afc2 and Finder
Thursday, May 27, 2010
For a while now I've been checking up on a fabulous project entitled Disk for iPhone (formerly known as iPhoneDisk). Based on the MobileDevice API, it's a filesystem for MacFuse, which allows one to mount an iDevice in Finder. However having my iPod jailbroken I wanted to take advantage of the afc2 protocol. Low and behold, after compiling the source and installing the required daemons/extensions, the mobilefsutil LaunchAgent's preferences can be edited to your likings. Edit the file :

After changing the values to your likings, simply reboot, and plug in your iDevice. In doing so (as well as having the afc2 protocol installed via Cydia), you are presented with a free and seamless way of transferring/editing files without other applications or ssh-access. Note: All symbolic links do not currently work, and clearly Finder does not exist in Windows, so for the time being this is not supported in windows...
Site and installer are here